介绍: Amustsee,thisdocumentary(notbeconfusedwiththemuchlongerandcomprehensiv…… 更多自我与他者:爱德华·萨义德肖像介绍
自我与他者:爱德华·萨义德肖像原名:Selves and Others: A Portrait of Edward Said,
A must see, this documentary (not be confused with the much longer and comprehensive 2004 biopic) brings us Saïd's last days, prior to his untimely death in 2003. In a twist of fate, a French crew armed with a Betamax recorder spent time with him and his family at the end of his life, offering us an exceptionally intimate look at his (literally) final views and reflections on t...
发布于2003年。由Emmanuel Hamon执导,并于2003公映的电影。