Maximum Thrust


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Beverly Lynne / Robyn Hyden / Onyx
  • 类型:情色
  • 地区: 美国
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Maximum Thrust剧情内容介绍

Maximum Thrust

A down and out all girl race team, Maximum Thrust, hires a sexy newbie street racer, Bekka (Beverly Lynne), in hopes of saving a failing business and salvaging street creds and respect. The action is fast and furious on and off the track when Bekka is seduced by a rival racer, Junior Sloan. When it is discovered Junior intends on destroying Maximum Thrust, even if it means kill...

发布于2003年。由Paul Miller执导,并且由编剧Paul Miller携幕后团队创作。集众多位Beverly Lynne、Robyn Hyden、Onyx、Akira Lane等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2003公映的电影。


Maximum Thrust资源介绍




Maximum Thrust评价

  • 1:32:27,D5原盘提取片源,Softcore,剧情还算可以,动作戏挺多的

  • softcore片里少见的全员跨种族,片源上感觉有所删减,在某个网站上看过正片里不存在的镜头(亚裔男那段有和黑发洋女在沙发上半*亲吻)
