介绍: 邻家男孩原名:TheBoyNextDoor,又名邻居男孩、Petitvoisin,Le。1962年短片、家庭类型片,创作于加拿大地区,具有英…… 更多邻家男孩介绍
邻家男孩原名:The Boy Next Door,又名邻居男孩、Petit voisin, Le。1962年短片、家庭类型片,创作于加拿大地区,具有英语、法语语言版本。由Ernest Reid执导,于1962公映。
Running Time 18 min 02 s When French-speaking Jacques moves next door to English-speaking Jimmy, each is amazed to find that the other doesn't speak his language. But when it comes to exploring and playing together, language just doesn't seem to matter. Each soon finds himself venturing into the other's language. 2个7,8岁的小男孩,一对好朋友,一个说法语,一个说英语。他们共同闯入了邻居老头的房子,却被老头用简单的伎俩把2小人吓得半死,当他...